- Blessed Ltd, based in Mitcham partners with various centres offering a wide range of education and exam services
- This enables us to better support and offer more specific services
- Each student is treated individually and services are tailored accordingly
- Many students choose Blessed Education to take their exams each year, including SEN students.
- Conveniently based in London Road, Mitcham with nearby links to public transport.
- Private Examination Candidates are welcome, please contact us if you'd like to discuss your particular needs
- Blessed Ltd partners with various approved examination centres for all levels of examinations, giving a large variety of options. Our partner centres are approved for exam boards: AQA, Pearson/Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, CIE and more.
In order to register for examinations at this centre, please complete the Candidates Entry form and email it to: school@blessedltd.com. The Examinations Officer will then look at the application and give an exact costing for the exams requested. All initial queries will hopefully be dealt with at this stage via email or telephone.
Final date for exam registration and entry is on 7th February 2025 for our main centre and 21st February 2025, for other centres based on availability. After these dates, late entry fees will apply.
Edexcel Past Papers and Mark Schemes
View Our Exam Dates
Blessed Education partners with various exam centres nationwide.
Exams are being held at various partner centres as follows:
St Neots
High Wycombe
Various exams including
GCSE * IGCSE * AS/A Level * International A * Functional Skills * AAT * Mocks etc.
Please contact us for more information and we’ll try to enter you at a centre of your choice or close to where you live.
More Information
We are able to take private candidates for most subjects including English, Maths Science and ICT qualifications, including where coursework or controlled assessment have been completed in a previous exam and can be carried forward to future re-sit exams.
Great news – because of our wider affiliate and partner centres, we are now able to offer practical examinations at centre with the appropriate laboratory facilities to conduct these.
Candidates (or their parents/guardians) can pay for examinations by:
- Cash in person at the office
- Cheque – payable to Blessed Ltd, and putting the candidate’s name on the reverse indicating what fees are being paid. All cheques must be received at the office two weeks before the deadline for entries. Confirmation of entries will be sent once cleared funds have been received in our bank account.
- Direct debit or Standing orders
- Online bank transfer to: Blessed Ltd Lloyds Bank Account: 01128643, Sort Code: 309966
When transferring payments online, please state student name in the Reference field, (for example: Eve Adam)
This is a very important piece of information that the Examinations Officer requires if you are either re-taking an exam, or have taken GCSEs or A Levels in the last five years or so. This enables the examination board to “tally up” all previous results with any re-takes, and give the candidate a new overall grade.
This is also essential for candidates who are at schools/colleges who are re-taking their qualifications in order to try to achieve improved grades for University applications or, for students taking a “gap” year and wishing to improve on A2 results.
Blessed Education is able to take on candidates of any age, but if the child is under 16 years of age, then they will require a parent, escort or guardian to be contactable during and after the exams. No parent, escort or guardian or any unauthorised persons will be allowed in the exam room on exam days.